Ivermectin tablet for dogs dosage chart Deixe um comentário

Find the correct dosage of Ivermectin tablets for dogs with our helpful dosage chart. Ensure your dog receives the right amount of medication for their size and weight to effectively treat parasites and prevent heartworm disease.

Ivermectin Tablet Dosage Chart for Dogs

If you’re a dog owner, you know how important it is to take care of your furry friend’s health. One common issue that dogs can face is parasites, such as heartworms, fleas, and ticks. Fortunately, there are medications available to help prevent and treat these parasites, and one such medication is Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication that is commonly used to treat a variety of parasites in dogs. It is available in tablet form, making it easy to administer to your pet. However, it is crucial to use the correct dosage to ensure your dog’s safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

This comprehensive guide provides a dosage chart for Ivermectin tablets for dogs, helping you determine the appropriate dosage based on your dog’s weight. It is important to note that Ivermectin should only be used under the guidance of a veterinarian, as the dosage can vary depending on the specific parasite being treated and your dog’s individual needs.

Remember, the health and well-being of your dog should always be a top priority. By using this dosage chart and consulting with your veterinarian, you can ensure that your dog receives the proper treatment with Ivermectin to keep them happy and healthy.

Ivermectin Tablet for Dogs Dosage Chart

When it comes to treating dogs for parasites, one common medication that is often used is Ivermectin. This medication is effective against a wide range of parasites, including heartworms, mites, and certain types of worms. However, it is important to use the correct dosage to ensure the health and safety of your dog.

Recommended Dosage


The recommended dosage of Ivermectin for dogs depends on their weight. It is typically given orally in tablet form. The dosage chart below can serve as a guide, but it is always best to consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for your dog.

Weight of Dog
Up to 10 lbs 0.01 mg per pound
11-20 lbs 0.05 mg per pound
21-40 lbs 0.1 mg per pound
41-80 lbs 0.2 mg per pound
81-100 lbs 0.3 mg per pound

Important Considerations

It is crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by your veterinarian or the medication packaging. Never exceed the recommended dosage, as this can lead to toxicity and adverse effects. Additionally, some breeds of dogs, such as collies and other herding breeds, may be more sensitive to Ivermectin, so it is important to discuss any breed-specific concerns with your veterinarian.

Remember to always consult with your veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the proper dosage and administration of Ivermectin for your specific dog.

Understanding Ivermectin Tablet

Ivermectin tablet is a medication commonly used in veterinary medicine to treat and prevent various parasitic infections in dogs. It belongs to a class of drugs known as antiparasitic agents.

How does it work?

Ivermectin works by targeting and paralyzing the nervous system of parasites, making it easier for the dog’s immune system to eliminate them. It is effective against a wide range of internal and external parasites, including heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and mites.

Administration and dosage:

Ivermectin tablets for dogs are usually given orally, either with or without food. The dosage depends on the weight of the dog and the specific condition being treated. It is essential to follow the veterinarian’s instructions and use the correct dosage to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Possible side effects:

While generally safe when used correctly, ivermectin can cause side effects in some dogs. These can include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. In rare cases, it can lead to more severe reactions, such as tremors, seizures, or even death. It is crucial to monitor your dog for any unusual symptoms and contact a veterinarian if any concerns arise.


Ivermectin should not be used in certain dog breeds that are more susceptible to the medication’s side effects. These breeds include Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, and Old English Sheepdogs, among others. It is important to inform your veterinarian about your dog’s breed and any other medications or medical conditions they may have before starting treatment with ivermectin.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a veterinarian before giving any medication to your dog.

Importance of Proper Dosage

Proper dosage of Ivermectin tablets for dogs is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Giving the correct dosage helps to ensure that the drug is effective in eliminating parasites and preventing future infestations.

Administering an incorrect dosage can lead to underdosing, which may not effectively treat the parasite infestation, or overdosing, which can be harmful to the dog’s health. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by the veterinarian or indicated on the packaging.

Factors such as the dog’s weight, age, and overall health should be taken into consideration when determining the appropriate dosage. Consulting with a veterinarian is recommended to determine the correct dosage based on the specific needs of the dog.

It is also important to note that the dosage for Ivermectin tablets may differ depending on the purpose of treatment. Different dosages may be required for the treatment of heartworms, mange, or other parasitic infections.

Proper dosage is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of dogs. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for each individual dog.

Factors to Consider

When determining the correct dosage of Ivermectin tablets for dogs, there are several factors that pet owners should consider:

Weight: The weight of the dog is one of the most important factors to consider when calculating the dosage. The dosage of Ivermectin tablets is typically based on the dog’s weight, with higher doses recommended for larger dogs.
Health Condition: The overall health condition of the dog should also be taken into account. Dogs with certain health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, may require a lower dosage of Ivermectin tablets.
Breed Sensitivity: Some dog breeds, such as Collies and related breeds, are more sensitive to Ivermectin and may require a lower dosage. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for these breeds.
Other Medications: If the dog is currently taking any other medications, it is important to consider how these medications may interact with Ivermectin tablets. Some medications may increase the risk of side effects or decrease the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
Veterinarian Guidance: Ultimately, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian before administering Ivermectin tablets to ensure the correct dosage is given. Veterinarians have the knowledge and expertise to assess the individual needs of each dog and provide appropriate guidance.

By considering these factors and seeking professional advice, pet owners can ensure the safe and effective use of Ivermectin tablets for their dogs.

Recommended Dosage Chart

When administering ivermectin tablets to dogs, it is important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines. The dosage is typically based on the dog’s weight. Below is a comprehensive chart outlining the recommended dosage for different weight ranges:

  • Up to 10 pounds: 0.01 – 0.03 mg
  • 11 – 20 pounds: 0.04 – 0.06 mg
  • 21 – 40 pounds: 0.07 – 0.12 mg
  • 41 – 60 pounds: 0.13 – 0.18 mg
  • 61 – 80 pounds: 0.19 – 0.24 mg
  • 81 – 100 pounds: 0.25 – 0.30 mg
  • Over 100 pounds: Consult a veterinarian for appropriate dosage

It is important to note that these are general guidelines and it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog. They will be able to provide specific dosage instructions based on your dog’s individual needs and health condition.

Remember to carefully read and follow the instructions on the medication packaging. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian for guidance.

Side Effects and Precautions

While ivermectin tablet is generally safe for dogs when used as directed, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and take necessary precautions:

  • Neurological side effects: In rare cases, dogs may experience neurological side effects such as ataxia (loss of coordination), disorientation, or tremors. If you notice any of these symptoms, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian immediately.
  • Allergic reactions: Some dogs may be allergic to ivermectin. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If your dog shows any of these signs, seek veterinary attention right away.
  • Drug interactions: Ivermectin can interact with certain medications, such as those used to treat seizures or heartworms. Always inform your veterinarian about any other medications your dog is taking to avoid potential drug interactions.
  • Pregnant or nursing dogs: Ivermectin should not be used in pregnant or nursing dogs, as it may harm the developing puppies. Consult your veterinarian for alternative options in these cases.
  • Collie and related breeds: Certain dog breeds, such as Collies and other herding breeds, may have a genetic sensitivity to ivermectin. These dogs may experience severe adverse reactions, even at low doses. It is important to test for this sensitivity before using ivermectin in these breeds.
  • Overdose: Accidental overdose of ivermectin can be toxic to dogs. Always follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by your veterinarian.

It is crucial to consult with your veterinarian before administering ivermectin tablets to your dog. Your vet can determine the appropriate dosage and provide guidance on any specific precautions or potential risks based on your dog’s health and medical history.

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